VC is failing.
Simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever:
A Game
of Home Runs

of venture-backed companies
never return cash to
investors (1)
We create more successful outcomes by keeping our options open.
We back companies that have a high likelihood of a successful exit within five years.
Lack of Value Add
Many VCs claim they add value, but few do. Founders need actual help, not just money.

VCs score their influence
32% Higher
than entrepreneurs score their own VCs
On a scale out of 10, VCs average self-score of their value- add compared to Founders’ scoring their VCs value-add(1)
Our approach is shaped by our diverse backgrounds on (and off) Wall Street.
Initial Evaluation:
Develop broad thesis on company and market; assess historical performance, strength of macro tailwinds, structural risks
Measure Synergies:
Identify gaps in current business model, operations, and management; evaluate 2.0 Ventures’ ability to effect change
Pre-Investment Alignment:
Work with company to address gaps, refine future plans, and align to optimal outcome and long-term strategy
Post-Investment Months 1-12:
Work alongside management to build scalable infrastructure and launch key growth initiatives
Post-Investment Months 12+:
Scale back involvement to weekly touchpoints and assistance on strategic projects
Underwrite each deal to 4.0x MoM (base case) with anticipated hold period of 3-6 years; exit through M&A, secondary sale, IPO